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Dolls House Special Occasions

Special occasions should not be overlooked, and this is true of our dolls houses and scale homes, too. Bringing a touch of festive spirit to our miniature creations and projects finishes off the look of the scale home and brings colour and life to the scene we are creating. Melody Jane Doll Houses has an enviable collection of Christmas accessories for your dolls house, from gifts to candy canes and even a selection of Santa Clause figures.

It isn’t just Christmas that gets the Melody Jane Dolls House treatment either; we also have in stock a range of decorative items for Halloween, too. Spiders, ghost mirrors, witches and pumpkins – they are all in here and more besides. If your dolls house residents have nerves of steel, why not put them to the test with our spooky collection? Whether you are just starting with your accessory collection or adding to an existing one, there is going to be something here that you will simply love!

Naturally, there is also room for worship – you can’t have a Christmas collection otherwise, can you? Of course not. If you have, or are planning to acquire / create a church then our worship themed items are going to be of great interest to you. Altars, pews, pulpits and bibles are just a few of the items that we carry in this category.

As always, if there is something that you would like but cannot find – contact us at Melody Jane Dolls House and we will do our very best to source it for you.